Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lets begin!

I constructed this tutorial for those of you with GTX 200 Series graphics cards that want to replace the TIM (Thermal Interface Materials) or in lemans terms, thermal compound.
This walk through is mainly focused on the GTX 295 card. I will be showing how to remove the graphic card cover, removing both GPU’S from the heat sink, cleaning of the GPU’s and the GPU heat sink, re-applying TIM (Thermal compound) to the GPU’s, re-assembling the GPU’s back onto the heat sink, and lastly re assembling the GPU card cover.

*NOTE*. Taking apart the BFG tech model VOIDS ALL WARRANTY. Taking apart the EVGA model however does not void warranty.

I have provided detailed pictures that will guide you through this process.

The card that I have at my disposal is a BFG tech GTX 295. As you can see below it is ready and waiting to be dissected.


Tools needed:

1. TIM/Thermal compound (I used MX-2)
2. Paper tower/terry cloth (to whip off excess TIM)
3. Two sized phillips star head screw drivers,
4. 100% Isopropynol (for cleaning contact surfaces)
5. Needle nose pliars (for unmounting the rear dvi/slot shield)


Unknown said...

hi there a do all u say but i dont know why i dont have display and my board in the boot have 3bip 1 long and 2 short i search what that mean and say i have a video card problem can u help me

Anmol said...

Hi. Thank for sharing this information but I want to know more about Nvidia graphics cards
so please send me information.
thank you ..

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